Your Service Options
Your family is unique. There’s not another one exactly like yours. Never has been. Never will be.
Oh, there may be similarities, and maybe even some common ground, but there are most surely differences. Differences in beliefs, in philosophies, in religion and attitudes, ethnic backgrounds, approaches, and methods. You’re unique in countless ways.
Values are as different as senses of what’s important, what may not be, and why. It’s like budgets. One family’s necessity is another’s indulgence and the other way around.
Tastes vary, and style; traditional, contemporary, highly individualized or steeped in tradition.
You deserve the care and attention of those who listen carefully, suggest thoughtfully and guide with concern and openness, who truly want to know what you find important and meaningful.
You should expect from us the widest range of traditional, contemporary and creative farewells, each thoughtfully planned around that which is most important to you and your family.
We are your exclusive providers of Meaningful Farewells, uniquely personal tributes honoring the stories of a lifetime.
Mrs. Ann Glenn, a second generation funeral professional, who would be over 120 years old were she living, once remarked, “If it’s not illegal and meets the needs of a family, we can probably do it.”
Your family tradition, of time or newly formed, is the focus of our care.
Be it visitation and ceremony followed by burial or cremation, gathering and memorial service following private burial or cremation, or the very simplest private family leave taking, we are highly qualified and equally committed to meeting and exceeding your expectations.